Please join us for our

9th Annual General Assembly

Location:  Canad Inns Polo Park
Time:  10am-4pm

Guest Speaker One (Fire Side Chat):  Yvonne Young
Guest Speaker Two (Fire Side Chat): TBA

Master of Ceremonies:  Sandra Delaronde

RSVP: or call 204-942-1828



We are currently accepting nominations for 6 Board of Director term positions

How to Run for the Board

Any MMVI member who wishes to run for a vacant board position must:

  1. Be a MMVI member in good standing.
  2. Have identified a nominator and seconder from current MMVI members in good standing.
  3. Submissions must be received by Tuesday, August 22, 2023

See details in the nomination form:
MMVI Board of Director Nomination-Form-2023-Fillable